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The Difference Between Proactive and Reactive Healthcare

As we continuously adapt to the world’s constant changes, the world of healthcare is also unceasing with its demands, trying to cater to amass of health problems. Various people also spend a vast estimate on health care each year, either for an annual checkup or a complicated surgery; no one can change the fact that whatever the reason is, healthcare is indeed expensive. However, these things can be prevented if the world starts to embrace proactive vs. reactive healthcare.

In this webinar, we dive into the difference between proactive and reactive health care and what could be the numerous advantages for health industries and patients, plus how you can make the switch.

Proactive Healthcare

Proactive healthcare is considered relatively new; however, this offers healthcare professionals and patients a way to have health information. In simpler terms, it is like detecting possible sickness before anything might appear or suddenly transpire on your body. This type of healthcare is highly beneficial when it comes to the prevention of sicknesses or diseases.

Benefits of Proactive Healthcare

It may not be easy to shift to proactive healthcare quickly, but understanding its benefits to clinicians and patients will undoubtedly pave the way for an enhanced quality of life.

Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle

Since proactive is all about managing your body even before something happens, you will have the decision to improve your health through lifestyle changes such as eating correctly, getting enough exercise, proper hydration, etc. Healthcare professionals can emphasize the importance of these changes rather than drastic intervention.

Lower Healthcare Cost

The moment you start addressing health problems before they even progress, this will help you avoid complicated emergency surgeries or spending days at the hospital.

Favorable Health Results

Applying proactive healthcare is considered a problem-prevention; in this healthcare, patients and healthcare professionals regularly cooperate to establish trust and allow the patients to participate with the clinicians freely.

Value-based Supported

Proactive health care supports value-based programs that aim to expand care for patients and health for populations at a lower cost.

Reactive Healthcare

Reactive healthcare is the type of model widely used today, and this revolves around a treatment once a condition happens to your body. Unlike proactive healthcare, this doesn’t prepare for any potential ailments. In simpler terms, if a patient is not actively sick or not feeling anything, there will be no treatment. The reactive model mainly has three struggles that affect patients, clinicians, and the health system.

Healthcare Professionals are prone to burnout.

Clinicians and practitioners face constant burnout due to the demand for rapid response and emergencies linked to reactive healthcare. Various patients seek an immediate response or solutions for their ailments because of the usual reactive model they are introduced to.

Health systems fail to plan efficiently.

Planning a database for a patient is no easy task; it will take a lot of time and effort, and you will have to trace various records and data.

Patients are left unsatisfied.

No one wants to be hospitalized constantly; patients are always left unsatisfied with their care because they are just presented with a solution for their current ailment.

Proactive Healthcare with Gena

With Gena, it doesn’t end with just a proactive model but predictive and personalized healthcare; this will welcome enhanced data collection, utilization of predictive tools, data aggregation for accelerated decision making, and genetic testing. Nobody knows what may happen in the future, and it is better to trust a healthcare system that doesn’t only care about what is currently transpiring but also focuses on preventing any health care condition.

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